
For the DHV Dutch investor and user of PUC Vodovod i kanalizacijaSubotica services, we have built part of the wastewater treatment plant.

The renowned Dutch DHV company entrusted us with works on numerous special purpose facilities such as: digesters, sludge silo, gas engines, operational building,  pressure boosting stations, lava filter foundations and torches as well as: operational building, pumping station and grit channel.

All listed facilities are unique and form a whole in the process of wastewater treatment process.

The digester lies on Ø520mm, 15,0m long Franki piles and 55cm thick reinforced concrete foundation pad. The walls are circular, from reinforced concrete, 35cm thick, 15,0m high and 14,m in diameter. The ceiling is conical base from 20cm thick reinforced concrete.

The sludge silo too lies on Ø520mm, 14,0m long Franki piles and 40cm thickreinforced concrete foundation pad. The walls are circular and 25cm thick, 8,0m high and 10,0m in diameter.

The other facilities are in compliance with the project documentation, reinforced concrete or reinforced concrete in combination with YTONG block walls.


project information:

Location:Subotica (Serbia)
Investor:„DHV“ Holandija
Description of works:Completet works
Area:Površina pod objektima 1.400m2
  • SMB Gradnja